Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies Appeals Hon. The President of United States Joe Biden, Director of Department of Homeland Security and US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to extend laid-off H1B Holder’s Grace period from 2 months to 12 months.
Please sign this petition and forward the request.
Help your friends and families affected in the recent layoffs. The tide is not over yet.
Your support and action can help take the message to the concerned authorities and make difference.
Please contact to help to spread awareness among elected officials and administration on this issue : or

On behalf of Indian Americans represented by organizations like Global IndianTechnology Professionals Association (GITPRO) and Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS), we are writing to bring to your attention the massive layoffs in the tech industry in Jan 2023 that have been tough for tech professionals. According to approximately 91,000 got laid off in the United States in Jan 2023 mostly from technology hubs. As the Silicon Valley is the hub for many startups and serves as the global center for high tech and innovation. Silicon Valley is mostly run by tech immigrants where more than 70% startups have immigrant co-founders and as of 2022 almost 50+ CEOs of public companies are Indian origin migrants. The exodus of talent from the US is harmful for the long term interests of the US specially in the modern age of Artificial Intelligence competition.
The laid off H-1B holders currently have about 60 days to find another employer to file for H-1B transfer or leave the country. We see this as a huge disruption both on the family lives and their children’s education. These are hardworking tax paying communities that don’t have enough time to find another job in this challenging job market.
Hence, FIIDS appeals to the President of the United States, to sympathetically consider the impact of the families on humanitarian ground and to work with DHS and USCIS to consider extending the current grace period from 60 days to 1 year (minimum 6 months). This will pause this brain drain and ensure that the US will continue to be a world leader in technology and innovation.
We are available for a discussion on this topic and provide additional context and information. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from your office.
The Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS is the US-based institute for US-India policy studies and awareness.