Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS-USA.ORG)
Immediate Press ReleaseMarch 11th, 2019

Fremont, California: Diplomats, policy experts, Community leaders, and political analysts attended the first-ever India Afghanistan Peace and Friendship initiative organized by Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies ( http://FIIDS-USA.ORG ) in Fremont, California on 10th March 2019. This event was co-hosted by League for Education and Afghanistan Development, Art of Living, Afghan Care, and the Indo American – Afghan American communities.

The two keynote speakers for the event were Dr. Abdul Qayyum Kochai (the former Afghan Ambassador to Russia) and Mr. Rohit Rathish (the current Deputy Consul General of India in San Francisco). Mr. Rathish served in the Indian Consulate in Afghanistan from 2013 to 2014.

Dr. Qayyum Kochai spoke about the effects of terrorism on both India and Afghanistan, specifically about the role of Britain in creating the circumstances that have led to today’s global problem of terrorism. “Britishers had implemented a divide and conquer policy between Hindus and Muslims during their rule over India that resulted in the partition of India. Afghanistan did not support the partition of India. As a result of the partition, both India and Afghanistan have been victimized by terrorism.”

Mr. Rathish spoke greatly on India’s extensive contribution to Afghanistan’s current development. He said, “Post 2001, India focused on infrastructure building, humanitarian aid and capacity building. India contributed in infrastructure projects like new parliament building, Friendship dam, 220KV DC line, power substations, and 218 KM Delaram-Zaranj highway. India has provided 1.1 million MT wheat as well as hospital and medical help. India is also focused on capacity building and skills training of Afghan workers by providing 1000 scholarships per annum and supporting the educating and training of over 3500 Afghans in India’s various universities and institutions.” He also emphasized that India provided Air Cargo corridor as well as Chabahar port for Afghanistan’s trade with India and the rest of the world.
The Art of Living founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar sent his blessings for the initiative through his video recording. Through his message, he expressed his wishes for the people of Afghanistan: “May the Afghan people and Afghanistan be filled with peace.”

Various community leaders emphasized the importance of a strong friendship between the Indian and Afghan communities.
Afghan-American community leader and head of Sufi sect Naqshbandi Mojadidi Tariqah, Abobaker Mojadidi, said, “India and Afghanistan have had a long-standing relationship with a deep-rooted history. We look forward to growing our people to people, grassroots relationship within our communities here, and strengthening our ties between our two great countries and its dignified peoples.” Executive Director of California based not for profit organization “Afghan Care” said, “People of India and Afghanistan should work together both inside the South Asian region as well as outside”.

Dr. Raj Salwan, Vice Mayor of Fremont, said, “Fremont hosts the largest Afghan-American population in America. While growing up in Fremont, I had to witness the troubles of my Afghan friends. As a vice-mayor, I represent everyone and will always be supportive.”
The Chairman of the Festival of Globe and founder of the Fremont Hindu temple, Dr. Romesh Japra said, “Afghan community got victimized back in Afghanistan but also got discriminated against here. People like me worked years to make the local community friendlier.”

Indo American political activist Mr. Yogi Chugh mentioned that it takes time to cultivate relations that need to be strengthened even further.
Mr. Namath Sahar, an Afghan community leader, emphasized that it was very important to have strong follow up from this event. In closing, the FIIDS director Khanderao Kand said, “this is not an isolated event but a beginning of a long journey to develop strong and impactful relations”.

Art of Living coordinator Manisha Pathak hosted a beautiful cultural program in which herself, Avinash Gaur, Alka Bhatnagar, and Sunita Rai sang melodious songs. The event started with a wonderful piano performance by Afghan young adult leader Ms. Gina Karimi.

Chandru Bhambhra, Gaurav Patwardhan, Kiran Nanjundappa, Janmejai Singh, Sachindra Nath, and Sanjana Chopra helped make the event successful.
Various community leaders like Jeevan Zutshi, Vijaya Aasuri, Acharya Krishna Pandey, Ashok Bhat,Sukhi Chahal, Bhrigu Kumar, Vijay Rajvaidya, Shivu Vibhuti,