FIIDS organized a event on a humanitarian basis to create awareness about atrocities including rapes, killings and enslavement resulting extreme human rights violation of Yezidis, who are a minority religious group of northern Iraq by ISIS since 2014. They are non-muslim and non-arabs. In August 2014 , ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and Syria) had attacked Sinjar region in northern Iraq where majority of Yezidis in Iraq stay. The ISIS terrorists massacred thousands of Yezidi men and abducted many more women and children. About 50,000 Yezidis escaped to the nearby Sinjar mountains and had to stay there with limited supply of food and water, facing starvation and dehydration. The abducted women had to undergo the horrors of rape and abuse and many of them have been sold as sex slaves.The Yezidis are still under ongoing atrocities including hundreds of them be enslaved for sex and hence need help on an international level for assure their safety and survival. This attack by ISIS has ravaged the yezidi community and still today there are many yezidi sex slaves. Thousands of them are still refugees in Turkey and other neighboring countries. They need a lot of help from the International community.
Press Report of the event:
Hounded by ISIS, Yezidis demand for creation of separate ‘Yezidi Autonomous Region’
Event Details:
For Information: Email :
Venue: Goelet A. C. Beuf Community Center, 3435 W. Pinnacle Peak Road , AZ 85027
Day: Saturday
Date: 2nd Sept 2017
Time: 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Chief Guests:
Elected officials
Speakers: Mirza Ismail Yezidi Human Rights Activist from Canada
Mr. Mirza Ismail is Canada based Yezidi and Human rights activist. Sheikh Mirza Ismail is a native born Yezidi who was forced to flee Iraq by Saddam Hussein’s regime in 1991. Spending over two years as a refugee in Syria and Turkey, Sheikh Mirza made his way to Canada where he received a degree in Social Service Work from Medix College in 2010. Mirza Ismail is the Founder and President of the Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International. He has travelled all over the world, speaking with government officials, media, and organizations about the plight of the Yezidi People and other minorities suffering at the hands of ISIS. Since September of 2014, visiting Iraq frequently; meeting and interviewing the IDPs and especially the escaped Yezidi women and girls from ISIS on humanitarian crisis and the live under the law of the Islamic State Regime.
Report : Plight of Yezidi’s by FIIDS Research Analysts Mrinal Venkatesh
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